Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pink Fluffy Dress

I thought this set will not turn out well due to the colour of the background...
It was better than I expected

Closeup shot!

I misunderstood the photographer's meaing by "turning" I thought he meant "spin"
I bet he was really frustrated with me. Haha.

Backshot! I look like as if I'm not wearing anything!

My mom insisted that this picture does not look like me...
Maybe that is why it is one of my picure among this collection. Haha.

My father's favorite picture of me in this collection.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wedding Dress

A lot of people thought I was getting married when they saw this wardrobe.
This is just one of the 5 outfit combination for the project.

Pose two. I was told to sit on the white piano made out of wood.
The piano was not in very good condition.. I almost broke the lid when I was getting down.

Out-door photoshoot.
I was really worry about the outdoor since it was the day before typhoon..
So it was raining a bit in the mornning...
The weather was cloudly.. and not nice... :(
So.. not much the "sunshine feel" in my pictures :(

Pose two. I didn't like this photo that much at first...
I picked it because I needed it to match the layout of the book

Take one with plants. I did at least 5-10 shoots with this pose... (bending by the plants)

There were so many ants! :(

Photo by: JPEG

Sunday, August 2, 2009

你適合單身嗎? Are you suitable to be single?

Your friends are looking at pictures from the trip syou guys went on. Suddenly, you guys notice something strange about the picture. What do you think what occured in the picture?

1. A ghost (face) smiling infront of the camera
2. A friend who passed away
3.An extra hand on your friend's shoulder
4. A red shirt female ghost from far looking at everyone taking picture


1. 在生活方面,你覺得想玩或想一個人旅行都是可以自己做安排的,不一定要有伴,所以你相當適合單身的生活喔!
In life, you want to play and travel with your own plan and not necessary with a partner. Therefore, you want to have a single person's life.

You want to have a family lifestyle and a partner to rely on. You dont want to be aone therefore, you are not suitable for a single person's life.

You want freedom but at the same time, you dont want to be lonely. You tend to change your mind really easily. One second, you want to be single, another second, you want to get married. Contradtiion in feelings occur very often.

A beautiful enviornment awaits you. If you pick this answer, that means you are ready to have a family, and will be very happy. But, at the same time~ if you pick single, you will also have a good life.

These are just for fun! please don't take these too seriously! :)

English translation: Amy Wu

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are you a "money idiot"? (你是個金錢白癡嗎?)



If you have to show your angry/harsh side, which part do you think you can act out the best?
1. eyes
2. mouth
3. fist

1. If you choose "eyes", you are a "money idiot"! You do not have a good knowledge regarding numbers, you think if there are enough money to use, its fine: this type of person will not be passive in regards of making money. In regards to promotion, this type of person feels that if they do their tasks properly, be a bit more tight on cash... its enough. They can live happily.


2. If you choose "mouth", my friend, you are NOT a "money idiot"! In your mind, the more money you have, the more freedom you will have: this type of people think money is not very important but it still have its necessary moments. This type of person feels that making money... you need to work hard to make, and when this type of person make a lot of money, it can give them freedom- which allows them to pursue some of their dreams

3.If you choose fist, you are sometimes a "money idiot"! When you meet someone who is creates a positive relationship with you(business), you will become an idiot: this type of people think making money is very hard and tiresome. This type of person will not spend money randomly and wil save it but when family and friends need financial support, this type of person is willing to give the money that they save really hard and give it out to them

These are just for fun ^^
Translation: Amy Wu

Friday, July 3, 2009

Will you have a lot of admirers lately(this summer)? 你最近會有人追嗎?

Ding dong ding dong, you open the door and it's delivery express. A queer mysterious grandma hands you a a box. Inside box is a weird doll. What do you think its made out of?

A. Ice sculpture
B. Plastic
C. Wood
D. Steel
E. Pottery

A: 炎炎夏日,你怎麼會想到冰雕呢?是不是熱昏頭了?最近恐怕沒有什麼機會認識新對象,如果有舊對象,也要小心他像冰一樣溶了。

B: 你心裡可能已經有還不錯的對象,不過這恐怕只是一場單相思哦!如果繼續下去,對你可是挺傷的。

C: 木頭做的雕像,在這天氣大概會著火吧?短時間內恐怕沒有新對象,如果正在考慮對誰出手也要三思而行,因為被拒絕的機會真的很高。

D: 你在未來的幾個月內會出現新對象哦!認真點,搞不好你們的交往可以開花結果呢!


A: really hot summer days, how can you think of ice? are you going dizzy because of the heat? unfortunately, there won't be a chance for you to meet a new person you might admire. if you meet someone, be careful since he/she is like ice that melts.

B: In your heart, you probably have someone you admire. but, it may just be your single thought. if this continues, you'll just get hurt.

C: if you pick wood, wouldn't it get burnt under the hot sun? in short term, you probably wont meet a new admirer. if you want to confess to someone, be careful because the chance of you being refuse is high.

D: in a few couple of months now, you will meet a new admirer! focus a little, you guys might end up being together:)

E: actually, the person who likes you already knows you, its just he/she didn't say anything yet. recently, it may be a big change for you. might be out of the single life!

The romance you love 哪種愛最得你心

Ever since when you were young, everyone has different types of photographs, which one is your favorite? 從兒時到現在,每個人都會有很多不同類型、不同時期的照片,請選出你喜歡的照片

A.集體畢業合照school graduation photo

B.個人藝術照、寫真self professional pictures
C.在自然風景區或戶外活動照outdoors/natural photo
D.全家福、和親人的合照family/close relatives photo
E.童年的照片childhood pictures



C: 你是個樂天派,性格活潑,善於和人相處,所以和戀人相處也不錯,可是即使對方是你很愛的人,你也要求充分的自由,足夠的個人空間,如果對方太霸道,你寧願放棄愛情,也不會失去自己



A:You are a nostalgia, think of old lover type of person. The romance you like is like a "blur" and light . okay the literal translation is weird.. basically, if you pick this one, you are those type of people who cherish the past.. if may just be a smile of someone in the past but it is an important time for you during your youth.

B: You have a lot of self confident and you really care about the perfection of the appearance. You dont need an equal romance, you will like it more if the other sex praises, chase the you who is in love and you won't open up. you love yourself very much

C: you are a happy person, outgoing, kind and get along with people, so you and your lover have a good relationship but although the other person is your lover, you demand for freedom, enough of your own space, if the lover refuses, you will give up on love rather than losing yourself

D: You are very mature and thoughtful. Family moral is really good, more focus when being in a relationship. you hope your love is reliable and loyal; perfect to live with them for the rest of your life. In the relationship, your role is like a family member (type of lover), allowing the other person to feel completely safe around, able to rely, so.. don't go too over. a certain degree is good.

E: You are innocent and kind hearted. You tend to think love is a complex and require lots of energy type of thing. you need a man/woman who is mature since you tend to act coquettishly around him/her, letting the other person think you are a person who cannot grow up. Bascially. you are naive and natural.

Quiz by:
Translation by: Amy Wu

This quiz is just for fun and consideration. Please do not take them too seriously. :)


Q: 有隻狗進商店被打~~有隻貓進去也被打~~有隻羊進去為啥沒被打~~
A: 因為24小時不打羊



哈利波特 150元
明天過後 90元


Q:優格打開會有什麼人跑出來? (提示:中國很有名的人物)
A:包青天 (開封有個(優格)包青天)

Q: 請問什麼花最台?

Q: 人在甚麼時候最卑鄙?
A: 嬰兒,因為嬰兒的英文是baby

Q: 幾個人才算是團體!?
A: 因為〈twenty〉團體 !!!

Q: 今天下雨ㄌ,綠豆走在路上他會變什ㄇ顏色?
A: 黃色{ 因為他穿雨衣}

Q: 小孩跌倒 [猜一個成語]
A: 馬馬虎虎 (媽媽呼呼)

Q: 什麼時候1+1不等於2 ?
A: 算錯的時候

Q: 糖果是公的還是母的??

Q: 什麼妖怪肚子最餓?
A: 巴肚妖(台語)

Q: 5分熟ㄉ牛排和7分熟ㄉ牛排相見為啥ㄅ打招呼?
A: 因為他ㄇ還沒熟呀

Q: 老鼠最愛吃什麼?
A: 乾麵 (大米...台語)

Q: John的媽媽是?
A: 花 因為花生醬 (John)

Q: 綠豆是哪裡人?
A: 嘉義 [綠豆加薏仁...( 嘉義人 )]

Q: 牛奶誰殺的?
A: 牛奶 [綠豆沙牛奶]

Q: 鉛筆姓什麼?
A: 蕭 [削(蕭)鉛筆]

Q: 什麼動物最熱情?
A:黑豬 [我的(黑豬)熱情,好像一把火] (台語)

Q: 誰家沒電話?
A: 天衣 [天衣無縫(Phone)]

Q: 誰被放鴿子最高興?
A: 鴿子

Q: 麒麟到北極變什麼?
A: 冰麒麟(淇淋)

Q: 諸葛亮跟周瑜 的母親姓什麼?
A: 既(紀)生瑜 何生亮

A: 麥克雞快,妮可雞慢

Q: 要考試了,不能看甚麼書?

Q: 什麼字最酷?
A: 丁字褲

Q: 泡麵是被誰殺死ㄉ呢?
A: 是被ㄚQ殺死ㄉ [因為ㄚQ桶(捅)麵]

Q: 超人保護地球誰保護城市??
A:螢幕 [螢幕保護程式(城市)]

Q: 神的交通工具?
A: 寶貝 [神奇(騎)寶貝]

Q/A: 魔王:「你盡管叫破喉嚨吧!沒有人會來救妳的!」 公主:「破喉嚨~破喉嚨~」 沒有人:「公主~我來救妳了!」 魔王:「說曹操曹操就到!」 曹操:「魔王!你叫我幹嘛?」 魔王:「哇勒!看到鬼!」 鬼:「靠!被發現了!」 靠:「胡說!誰發現我了?」 誰:「關我屁事?」 魔王:「oh~my God!」 上帝:「誰叫我?」 誰:「沒有人叫你啊!」 沒有人:「我哪有?」 據說魔王從此得到精神分裂症

Q: 哪一個迪士尼的女主角不會劈腿

Q: 你好機車 英文怎麼說?
A: Hello Moto

Q: 樹吃起來像什麼?
A: 雞 [數(樹)位相機(雞)]

Q: 姚明為什麼要抓皮卡丘?
A: 因為他是火箭隊

Q: 星星有多重?
A: 8 公克 [STARBUCKS 星巴(八)克]

Q: 有一隻熊走過來 猜成語
A: 有備而來 [有BEAR來]

Q" 第十一本書 猜一成語
A: 不可思議 [BOOK11]

Q: 洗臉的叫臉盆 那洗手的呢?
A: 金盆 [金盆洗手]

Q: 坐什麼椅子最享受?


Q: 斯巴達國王本要帶領800名壯士於溫泉關防禦波斯軍
但為什麼最後剩下300名 呢?
A: 因為伍佰(500)去唱歌


Q: 最多人看的植物人
A: 胡瓜

Q: 手機不可掉入馬桶裡 [猜一個4字成語]

Q: 鴨子和螃蟹猜拳,誰會贏?
A: 螃蟹會贏 [鴨子只會出布;螃蟹只會出剪刀]

Q: 胖子從18層樓掉下來變什麼???
A: 死胖子,因為他死掉了!!!

Q: 白雞和黑雞誰最厲害?
A: 黑雞厲害,因為黑雞可以生白蛋,白雞不能生黑蛋。

Q: 麻雀在甚麼時後,會變成烏鴉?

Q/A: 紅豆妹妹被男朋友甩ㄌ,她非常ㄉ傷心,一直哭,一直哭,

A: 賴達 [因為打火雞阿]

A: 青蛙 [因為〈蛙〉沒醉~~~〈蛙〉沒醉~~~〈蛙〉沒醉~~~〈蛙〉沒醉~~~〈蛙〉沒醉~~~〈蛙〉沒醉~~~〈蛙〉沒醉~~~ ] = =;

Q: 颱風天 要帶多少錢才能出門?
A: 沒"事千萬"(四千萬) 不要出門

Q: 歷史名人 誰不會游泳?
A: 劉禪 因為他是 扶(浮)不起的阿斗

A: COLA!(cold-la)

A: 蜂蜜

Y -MC-A漏出來!」(台語)




A: 白 (因為SPIDERMAN = 是白的MAN)

Q: 水在說一個笑話 ..為什麼說到一半她就不說了?
A: 因為它變冰塊了 [它說的是冷笑話,結果自己結凍了]

Q: 喬恩的英文名字叫做Jhon ..那他的名字叫做啥?
A: 鴨子 [因為「薑(Jhon)母」鴨]

Q: 哪條街不會下雨??
A: 芝麻街美語(芝麻街沒雨)

A: 三個 (阿拉甲,阿拉乙,阿拉丙)

Q: 一顆心值多少錢
A: 1億....(一心一意)

Q: 在哪裡絕對不能說笑話
A: 海邊 (說笑話就會發生海嘯)

Q: 有一天,小明問小麗怎麼讓珍珠奶茶變大杯?
A: 唸大悲咒

Q: 請問十二生肖哪個動物最機車
A: 山羊(因為山羊機車)