Friday, July 3, 2009

Will you have a lot of admirers lately(this summer)? 你最近會有人追嗎?

Ding dong ding dong, you open the door and it's delivery express. A queer mysterious grandma hands you a a box. Inside box is a weird doll. What do you think its made out of?

A. Ice sculpture
B. Plastic
C. Wood
D. Steel
E. Pottery

A: 炎炎夏日,你怎麼會想到冰雕呢?是不是熱昏頭了?最近恐怕沒有什麼機會認識新對象,如果有舊對象,也要小心他像冰一樣溶了。

B: 你心裡可能已經有還不錯的對象,不過這恐怕只是一場單相思哦!如果繼續下去,對你可是挺傷的。

C: 木頭做的雕像,在這天氣大概會著火吧?短時間內恐怕沒有新對象,如果正在考慮對誰出手也要三思而行,因為被拒絕的機會真的很高。

D: 你在未來的幾個月內會出現新對象哦!認真點,搞不好你們的交往可以開花結果呢!


A: really hot summer days, how can you think of ice? are you going dizzy because of the heat? unfortunately, there won't be a chance for you to meet a new person you might admire. if you meet someone, be careful since he/she is like ice that melts.

B: In your heart, you probably have someone you admire. but, it may just be your single thought. if this continues, you'll just get hurt.

C: if you pick wood, wouldn't it get burnt under the hot sun? in short term, you probably wont meet a new admirer. if you want to confess to someone, be careful because the chance of you being refuse is high.

D: in a few couple of months now, you will meet a new admirer! focus a little, you guys might end up being together:)

E: actually, the person who likes you already knows you, its just he/she didn't say anything yet. recently, it may be a big change for you. might be out of the single life!

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