Friday, July 3, 2009

The romance you love 哪種愛最得你心

Ever since when you were young, everyone has different types of photographs, which one is your favorite? 從兒時到現在,每個人都會有很多不同類型、不同時期的照片,請選出你喜歡的照片

A.集體畢業合照school graduation photo

B.個人藝術照、寫真self professional pictures
C.在自然風景區或戶外活動照outdoors/natural photo
D.全家福、和親人的合照family/close relatives photo
E.童年的照片childhood pictures



C: 你是個樂天派,性格活潑,善於和人相處,所以和戀人相處也不錯,可是即使對方是你很愛的人,你也要求充分的自由,足夠的個人空間,如果對方太霸道,你寧願放棄愛情,也不會失去自己



A:You are a nostalgia, think of old lover type of person. The romance you like is like a "blur" and light . okay the literal translation is weird.. basically, if you pick this one, you are those type of people who cherish the past.. if may just be a smile of someone in the past but it is an important time for you during your youth.

B: You have a lot of self confident and you really care about the perfection of the appearance. You dont need an equal romance, you will like it more if the other sex praises, chase the you who is in love and you won't open up. you love yourself very much

C: you are a happy person, outgoing, kind and get along with people, so you and your lover have a good relationship but although the other person is your lover, you demand for freedom, enough of your own space, if the lover refuses, you will give up on love rather than losing yourself

D: You are very mature and thoughtful. Family moral is really good, more focus when being in a relationship. you hope your love is reliable and loyal; perfect to live with them for the rest of your life. In the relationship, your role is like a family member (type of lover), allowing the other person to feel completely safe around, able to rely, so.. don't go too over. a certain degree is good.

E: You are innocent and kind hearted. You tend to think love is a complex and require lots of energy type of thing. you need a man/woman who is mature since you tend to act coquettishly around him/her, letting the other person think you are a person who cannot grow up. Bascially. you are naive and natural.

Quiz by:
Translation by: Amy Wu

This quiz is just for fun and consideration. Please do not take them too seriously. :)

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